Best Apprenticeship Tip for April?
Our #ApprenTIPS continued into April across social media, where we have been sharing weekly tips and advice for apprentices. Find out what we recommended throughout last month…
Apprenticeship Tip #1 – Choose what you enjoy
The first of April’s #ApprenTIPS is to choose what you enjoy. People have a tendency to rush into things, and three months into a four-year course they want to quit. But if you choose an apprenticeship that you enjoy, there’s almost a guarantee that you’ll be fully engaged with it. That’s the best way to experience the full benefits. Check out the apprenticeships we currently have live HERE, choose something you enjoy and apply!
Apprenticeship Tip #2 – Make sure to dress smart
You’ve chosen a course you enjoy, you’ve applied for it and you’ve secured an interview. Preparing for the interview is key. It’s your one and only chance to make a good first impression, so make sure to dress smart. Keep it simple and wear business dress.
Apprenticeship Tip #3 – Learn the specification
The third of our #ApprenTIPS is to learn the specification. As mentioned, preparing for your interview is important, and reading through the specification is a great idea. While this may seem obvious, it’s something many people overlook and go into an interview blind. Make sure you know what skills are required and you have three or four clear examples of how you have demonstrated these.
Apprenticeship Tip #4 – Invest time in yourself
The last of our apprenticeship tips for April is to invest time in yourself. It’s really important that you set time aside to develop yourself both professionally and as an individual. If an employer is investing time and money into training you, why not put in the same effort to develop yourself? Career development is key, and an apprenticeship gives you the opportunity to invest in yourself long-term. You are definitely worth it.
As me move through May, keep an eye out for our apprenticeship tips continuing on social media. Follow us on Instagram to make sure you don’t miss our #ApprenTIPS as they are released! If you now feel ready to apply for an apprenticeship, view our current apprenticeships and apply now before it’s too late!
Enjoyed discovering this month’s tips? Make sure you check out March’s #ApprenTIPS here!